
Independent Living Program

  • We help figure out what your barrier is to living independently and develop a step by step plan to overcome it. Examples include:
  • Tangible projects like ramps, bathroom modifications
  • Navigate through other programs like Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Social Security Disability
  • Get involved in social and recreational opportunities
  • Practical solutions from someone who shares similar disability
  • Learning your rights under the Law

This is a short term program, with the focus being on education so each person can learn skills needed to be successful in overcoming a barrier to independence as well as make informed decisions on his or her own behalf.

Adjusting from School to Adult Life

Youth:  Helping young people with a disability make a successful move from a school setting to adult life.  This includes exploring higher education and career opportunities, learning budgeting and finance, making housing decisions and anything else that is unique to that person.

Relocation from a Nursing Home

Nursing Home:  Helping someone living in a nursing home who can successfully move back home, or someone on brink of moving into a nursing home to stay at home.  This Program puts together necessary modifications to home, find other accessible housing, and put day to day living help in place to make it a long term success.

In-Home Care 

Through Wyoming Medicaid’s Community Choices Waiver
  • The Goal is to keep you living at home.
  • Typical services provided include: Help with various day to day activities, such as hygiene, getting dressed, and meal preparation.
  • You can also receive home delivered meals and a lifeline unit for safety.
  • You can have a Home Health Agency provide your direct care, or use Direct Care Workers of your choosing to come to your house to help with your plan of care.

Transportation Voucher Program

  • For someone with a disability who can’t drive
  • Can use program to go where you would if you drove yourself.
  • Can use for necessities, work, school, recreation, leisure and social, religious attendance
  • Transportation is provided by Public Transit and Volunteer Drivers of your Choice

Veteran’s Directed Care

This program is available to Veterans who need in home care. The Veteran must be willing to to take on the responsibilities of being an employer to hire and manage personal care workers, and complete necessary paperwork. These tasks are accomplished with the training and assistance of WSIL Case Managers.

Like the Medicaid Waiver Program, the Goal is to keep you living at home.

Typical services provided include: Help with various day to day activities, such as hygiene, getting dressed, and meal preparation.

Eligibility and referrals for this program come directly from the VA. Please contact your nearest VA Medical Center for information on this process.


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